Hey Mom and Dad (and anyone else who is interested),
Yall are always asking what I’m interested in. And for that, I’m grateful.
Algos & Ethics is my monthly commitment to share information related to algorithmic bias in technology and society.
We'll talk about bias in algorithms that you use every day and some that you might not be aware of, but should know.
I’ll do my best to define things along the way, but please let me know if I missed an opportunity to make a concept plain and simple.
For example,
📓A quick definition — “an algorithm”, is a series of steps you follow, like a recipe, that creates a certain outcome.
This is a discussion, so I expect you to share thoughts — you always do :)
I’m hoping the newsletter issues will help illustrate some of the biases around us. Let’s dive in together.
First issue, coming up.
In the meantime, tell your friends!